Omnichannel marketing icon.

Craft A1 Omnichannel Marketing Journeys

Maximize the value of your content by giving your customers a seamless and consistent experience that connects key touchpoints across multiple channels.

Drive Results with Omnichannel Strategy

Your audience expects consistent, seamless, and personalized content experiences across channels and touchpoints. They want to choose where, when, and how to consume your content. Tendo designs and creates customized omnichannel journeys backed by data. And we provide strategic insights that bridge silos, enabling B2B companies to increase customer retention, reach new buyers, and create content more efficiently.
Omnichannel marketing illustration.

Create Omnichannel Customer Experiences

Wherever you are with omnichannel marketing, rely on Tendo to:

Define goals and map touchpoints

Understand where you are and where you’re going through data-driven, omnichannel marketing strategy.

Design optimized journeys

Increase the value of your content with seamless and personalized experiences for your key audiences spanning multiple touchpoints.

Measure outcomes and plan improvements

Implement ongoing management and refinement to ensure continual gains.

What Omnichannel Marketing Can Do for Your Business


Average customer retention rate for companies with a strong omnichannel strategy, compared with 53% for those without.1


51% of B2B companies use at least 10 channels to interact with current and potential buyers.


Greater annual increase in customer lifetime value (total spend a customer makes throughout a buyer/seller relationship.3

1 Aberdeen Group, Omni-Channel Customer Care: How to Deliver Content-Driven Experiences, 2017
2 & 3 Aberdeen Group, Content-Driven Customer Experiences: Optimize Your Content to Elevate Customer Experiences, 2019

Omnichannel Marketing Resources

Case Study Spotlight

From Fragmented to Cohesive Experiences

Get in touch to explore omnichannel marketing and content optimization opportunities.