Deliver the Right Content with Content Models

Content models bring order and structure to digital content. Tendo helps you make the most of your content, defining a hierarchy that reflects your users’ priorities.

Content Models for
Intuitive Content Experiences

Long buying cycles require B2B marketers share a ton of information with prospects. Without a plan to put the right content in the right place, they risk losing customers and revenue. From low-fidelity content models to detailed content object models used for structured content, Tendo defines content architecture down to the individual components and elements—ensuring the most sought-after content rises to the top and follows a natural story arc that engages your users.
Content models illustration

Content Model Your Way to a Better UX

Because content modeling lays the groundwork for wireframes, design, content structure, and editorial creation, we make sure to:

Map your users’ top task flows,

identifying key informational needs and the ways users might seek to meet them.

Prioritize specific page or screen content

within the experience to support users’ informational needs.

Specify content requirements

for each content type or component, including the purpose, length, composition, and other key information.

Craft content models

that inform experience design (wireframes), relational models for structured content, and content creation specifications.

Why the User Experience Is Everything


58.5% of Stanford study participants assessed a website’s credibility based on content quality and relevance.1


It takes 0.05 seconds for users to create an opinion about your website.2

1. Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab, Stanford Web Credibility Project, 2002
2. Gitte Lindgaard, Gary Fernandes, Cathy Dudek & J. Brown. Attention web designers: You have 50 milliseconds to make a good first impression! Behaviour & Information Technology, 2006

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Let’s Talk Content Models

Want to create content experiences that captivate your users? Get in touch to learn more about how Tendo’s content modeling services can deliver.