SEO Services Tailored for B2B Needs

For B2B organizations, organic traffic isn’t just about quantity—it’s about quality. Our SEO expertise can help you draw traffic that converts.

We Know How B2B Audiences Search

Tendo’s search engine optimization (SEO) content services reflect our deep experience with B2B organizations. We achieve results because we understand the technical content needs of B2B audiences. And we recognize how these needs shift during a lengthy sales cycle. Our on-page SEO experts carefully assess these factors and craft tailored strategies to attract and convert the right decision-makers.
SEO services illustration

Build or Optimize Your B2B SEO Strategy

Trying to gain organic traffic? Getting enough visitors—but not conversions? We solve your challenges with a B2B-specific, user-first approach.

SEO content audit

provides a qualitative and quantitative assessment of on-page SEO for benchmarking and optimization.

SEO keyword research

targets B2B decision-makers so that new and existing content aligns with broader SEO strategies.

SEO gap analysis

maps current SEO content across the B2B customer journey to find gaps and priorities.

Why You Need a B2B-Specific SEO Strategy


41% of website traffic for technology companies comes from organic search.1


B2Bs generate 2x more revenue from organic search than any other channel.2


79% of B2B organizations maintained or increased their SEO ROI last year.3

1 Conductor, 2023 Organic SEO Industry Benchmarks Report, 2023
2 BrightEdge Research, Organic Channel Share Expands to 53.3% of Traffic, Channel Report, 2019
3 Search Engine Journal, State of SEO Performance, Salaries & Budgets Report, 2023

On-Page SEO Resources for B2B Marketers

Case Study Spotlight

Let’s Talk SEO

Ready to boost your B2B search engine performance? Contact us to share your questions and needs, and hear our recommendations.