Turbocharge Your Website CMS Authoring Capacity

Building high-performing pages requires editorial prowess and web CMS expertise. Tendo’s holistic approach draws on both to deliver quality, on-brand pages.

Drive Results with Your Content Management System

You’ve got content to share, pages to publish, and goals to achieve. But your B2B marketing teams aren’t web CMS technical experts, and your page authoring teams aren’t close to the content. As a content marketing and UX agency with technical expertise in various CMS types—including headless and traditional—Tendo is uniquely suited to deliver website CMS authoring and production services. Our holistic page-building approach combines web strategy, program management, and editorial know-how to produce high-quality, SEO-optimized pages.
Two people icons on each side of gear icons on top of a website icon.

Fully Managed Website CMS Authoring & Production

Whether building new pages or migrating post-acquisition content, many companies struggle to build quality webpages at scale. Tendo draws from our deep web CMS experience to:

Manage the content intake process

across multiple teams and stakeholders.

Define or refine

the information architecture (IA), and map pages and components to the right place in the hierarchy.

Author and produce quality webpages

that reflect your brand and achieve results.

Provide program management

and editorial review, from intake to quality assurance to publishing.

Solve Web CMS Page Creation Challenges with Tendo


33% of enterprise marketers cite challenges creating content that require technical skill.1


43% of digital customer experience (DCX) executives say limited cross-department alignment or collaboration is their top challenge.2


46% of tech leader respondents say their top CMS challenge is the ability to limit changes to a small number of people.3

1 Content Marketing Institute, Enterprise Content Marketing 2024 Research Findings
2 CMS Wire, The State of Digital Customer Experience, 2024 Edition
3 Hygraph, Future of Content

Website CMS Authoring & Production Resources

Case Study Spotlight

Streamline Page Building for Your Web CMS

Give us the content, brand guidance, and GTM requirements. We’ll give you beautiful pages that drive demand and support your business goals.