Content Calendar

What Is a Content Calendar?

A content calendar is an essential governance tool to help plan and execute a B2B company’s content marketing strategy in an efficient and timely manner. It’s a calendar-based editorial plan that provides a view of what content will be developed and executed over a specified time.

A content marketing calendar—also known as an editorial calendar—provides visibility among team members, helping everyone stay on the same page. It keeps stakeholders organized and accountable to their responsibilities. A content calendar also serves as a reference, documenting the details and timing of what has been accomplished in the past.

Content calendars can take many forms—from a simple Excel or Google spreadsheet to an interactive map of the content lifecycle. No matter the route taken, keeping an accurate record of editorial assets and activities helps drive effective marketing—and a more organized enterprise.

What to Include in a Content Calendar?

While marketing departments should tailor content calendar criteria to their specific needs, they should always include the following elements:

  • Publishing date
  • Topic or headline
  • Format (blog post, email, video, etc.)
  • Brief description
  • Author
  • Owner (who is in charge of the content flowing from ideation to publication and promotion on schedule)
  • Status (updated as it moves through the publishing cycle)

Teams may also wish to include these additional categories:

  • Distribution channels
  • Target audiences
  • Versions (if content will be repurposed for multiple audiences)
  • Page destinations (where users will be taken to from the content asset’s CTA or links)
  • Visual elements
  • Performance metrics or goals
  • Messaging
  • Related merchandizing or social media content

Why a Content Calendar Matters in B2B Marketing

An easily accessible, active content calendar helps guide a B2B marketing team through the production process smoothly, keeping everyone on track with upcoming initiatives. At a large enterprise organization, where numerous teams are creating content, a shared content calendar can also keep stakeholders in sync and avoid duplicating efforts.

Teams can also use the content calendar to document and keep track of a brand’s messaging across the various pieces of content. This allows for consistency across distribution channels.

Need Help Streamlining Content Workflows?

Partner with Tendo to develop content governance frameworks, including an editorial calendar, to accelerate quality content creation. Leading B2B brands rely on us to manage complex content programs effectively. Let us know how we can help—contact us today.