Make Taxonomy a Foundation of Your Personalization Strategy
Looking to serve up personalized B2B content on your company’s website? Want to make smart, data-driven decisions based on your…
Looking to serve up personalized B2B content on your company’s website? Want to make smart, data-driven decisions based on your…
This post originally appeared on the Content Marketing Institute website with the title, How to Score Your Content Assets for
In a time of raging content overload, few marketers actually know what to do with their abundant content. Enter the B2B
When you or someone on your team suggests a marketing video, is “talking head” the format that comes to mind? If you’re nodding “yes,” that makes sense. The talking-head video is one of the most common Web formats, plus, it’s what marketers are most familiar with. But by and large, they’re not as effective as they could be. The talking head needs a refresh and I have some ideas for how to do it.
To be clear, there is nothing inherently wrong with a video of a person speaking on camera. I’m a huge proponent of telling stories through video. Surely there are dozens of articulate speakers within your organization that have interesting stories and insights to share, but there’s a better way to get your message across.
Email has been around for a long time. While many proclaim that B2B email is declining as a preferred communication
At Tendo, we work with a range of clients—from companies just dipping their toes into content marketing to enterprises with
Email is still a workhorse for B2B marketers. In fact, according to a Salesforce State of Marketing report, 73% of
The phrase thought leadership has been bandied about for a long time. People embrace it and dismiss it with equal
So far, B2C brands have been the primary adopters of influencer marketing. A recent survey conducted by Linqia found that
The business world has bought into the effectiveness of influencer marketing. A survey conducted by Linqua found that in 2016, 86%