User testing icon.

Unlock New Insights with User Testing

Uncover potential problems, evaluate new improvements, and understand the “why” behind your audience’s behavior with custom user experience testing.

Stay on Course with User Testing

Internal assumptions about your customers can lead you astray, resulting in costly mistakes and missed opportunities. Hear from actual users—gain insights that can improve content engagement, conversion rates, and user satisfaction. Speed up design cycles and focus your time and attention on what you know users will want and need. Whether you’re doing an early concept evaluation, an A/B test of potential improvements, or a final product review before launch, Tendo can help design and run your user experience and usability testing.

Iconography featuring a user tapping a selection on a screen with 3 checkmarks at bottom.

Let Us Manage Your User Testing

Make the most of user experience testing that informs and validates your content, design, and business goals. Rely on Tendo to:

Develop the audience profile.

We’ll delve into source material and combine it with user research to define the optimal audience profile.

Design and run tailored user tests.

With experience running moderated and un-moderated live or remote user tests, we’ll make sure the process is streamlined and thorough.

Build prototypes, content, and designs.

Whether you need initial product concepting, quick A/B versioning, or a full design prototype, we’ll tailor our user testing approach to fit your needs.

Deliver actionable recommendations.

Save time combing through results. We’ll draw out significant findings and insights relevant to your goals.

Why User Experience Testing Matters


68% of study participants agree that experience research actively improves brand perception.1


A/B testing has allowed Microsoft Bing to increase revenue per search by up to 25%.2


Fixing a problem in development costs 10 times as much as fixing it in design. 3

1 UserTesting, 2023 Experience Research Report
2 Harvard Business Review, The Surprising Power of Online Experiments, September 2017
3 Roger S. Pressman and Bruce R. Maxim, Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, 2014

User Testing Resources

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Start Winning with User Testing

Rise above your competitors and improve the effectiveness of your content and design with user interface and user experience testing.