Ecolab App Design to Ensure Food Safety

Tendo upgraded Ecolab’s digital food labeling system with a user-centric B2B app, enhancing user experience and efficiency.

  • Improve food labeling accuracy
  • Design user-friendly tablet interface
  • Ensure corporate-wide policy implementation
  • Streamlined food labeling process
  • Enhanced user experience for prep-chefs
  • Improved corporate policy monitoring
  • User-centric design
  • Digital strategy consulting
  • B2B app design

About Ecolab

Ecolab is a global sustainability leader offering water, hygiene and infection prevention solutions and services that protect people and the resources vital to life.

Ecolab is a global sustainability leader offering water, hygiene and infection prevention solutions and services that protect people and the resources vital to life.

St. Paul, MN
Environmental Services
47,000 employees

The Challenge

Ecolab helps restaurant chains maintain food safety through Prep-n-Print with Flex, a cloud-based, digital food labeling system that enables fast and accurate printing of labels for shelf life, nutrition, ingredients, and more.

Prep-n-Print required an upgraded tablet application that would be suitable for use in kitchens. This task required a solution that harmonized accurate labeling with a user-friendly design, catering to the fast pace and specific needs of kitchen environments.

The Solution

Tendo undertook a thorough design approach through user-centric methods based on research with corporate clients and kitchen observations.

The new app:

  • Featured thoughtful elements, like larger buttons for glove-wearing prop-chefs.
  • Implemented capabilities within the admin web app to upload ingredients lists and establish food storage policies
  • Ensured seamless operations across both applications.

The Results

The redesign significantly improved food labeling efficiency in restaurant kitchens and offered a more user-friendly interface for prep-chefs. Corporate teams can now effectively monitor and implement standardized food storage policies across the organization, enhancing overall food safety compliance.

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Cisco partner program

Evolving the Cisco Partner Program to Meet Customer Needs

Tendo helped simplify and elevate the program’s digital experience, enabling partners to keep pace with changing customer expectations.

Evolving the Cisco Partner Program to Meet Customer Needs

Tendo helped simplify and elevate the program’s digital experience, enabling partners to keep pace with changing customer expectations.

  • Complex digital experience with myriad purpose-built tools and platforms
  • Inconsistent UX across the Cisco Partner Program ecosystem
  • Relevant information buried or hard to find
  • Clear, compelling, personalized journeys for partners across key roles
  • Consistent UX, optimized to support partners’ top tasks
  • Improved findability of relevant information to deepen partner relationships
  • Digital strategy enhancement and guidance
  • Information architecture (IA), content models, and wireframes
  • Authoring templates and web content creation

About the Cisco Partner Program

The Cisco Partner Program helps partners make the most of their Cisco relationship.

Over the past 20-plus years, Cisco has cultivated a large and vibrant partner ecosystem that contributes more than 80% of the networking and security giant’s revenue. The Cisco Partner Program recognizes and rewards partners in this network, based on how they deliver value to customers. It lets partners unlock key benefits and incentives based on the Cisco solutions and services they provide and specialize in for their customers.

San Jose, CA
Networking and security
84,900 employees

The Challenge

In today’s hybrid world, customer needs are evolving—and Cisco partners must follow suit.

For decades, the transactional, turnkey solutions approach worked well. However, customers now seek a lifecycle approach tailored to where they are in their business transformation.

To help partners better connect with customers, Cisco needed to move from a product- to user-centric approach, consolidating its many, disparate initiatives into a single, unified program. This new, simplified program needed to reflect a consistent and cohesive UX that would facilitate partner transactions, supporting how they do business with Cisco.

The Solution

Tendo helped elevate the Cisco Partner Program’s digital experience to better engage and enable its partners to keep pace with changing customer expectations:
  • Produced foundational digital strategy for how to progressively improve the UX in a multi-year, phased approach
  • Created clear, cohesive user flows supporting partners’ top tasks
  • Developed IA, content models, and wireframes for a seamless, intuitive experience
  • Mapped legacy partner content to new organizational structure, identifying gaps and redundancies
  • Built authoring templates, crafted messaging, and wrote user-centric web copy
  • Helped create, extend, and roll out a new brand design system

The Results


of partners believe Cisco effectively supports their business transformation


believe Cisco Partner Program has improved based on partner feedback


agree their Cisco partnership provides a better experience vs. competitors

Based on multiple Voice of the Partner surveys, the Partner Program exhibited the greatest quarter-over-quarter improvements compared to other platforms.

With Tendo’s hands-on support, Cisco created clear, compelling, personalized journeys, optimized to support partners’ top tasks within a consistent and cohesive user experience. And it improved the findability of need-to-know information to make it easier for partners to capitalize on the program, maximizing opportunities for growth and profitability.

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Content Migration & Acquisition Support for Keysight Technologies

Tendo seamlessly integrated content from acquired companies to fit the Keysight Technologies story.

Content Migration & Acquisition Support for Keysight

Tendo seamlessly integrated content from acquired companies to fit the Keysight Technologies story.

  • Vastly different branding between Keysight and acquired companies
  • Lack of strategy for mapping and incorporating acquired content
  • Duplicate content across Keysight and acquired companies
  • Fully integrated webpages and assets from acquired companies
  • New page migration checklist for ongoing acquisition support
  • AEM author guide for long-term content management
  • Content audit and IA recommendations
  • Content migration and asset rebranding
  • AEM authoring and production
user operating an oscilloscope

About Keysight

Keysight is a measurement equipment and software company that supports a range of industries, from finance and automotive to healthcare.

Its thousands of products and services include network taps, bypass switches, and wireless network emulators. By providing access to and insights about the latest technologies, Keysight helps customers accelerate innovation, while keeping the world connected and secure.

Keysight Technologies
Santa Rosa, CA
15,000 employees

The Challenge

In recent years, Keysight has made several acquisitions.

Acquired companies include Ixia, Scalable Networks, Nordsys, Eggplant, and Cliosoft. Each newly acquired company comes with its own content, which has to be adapted to the Keysight story and website.

Complicating the process, Keysight and its acquisitions often have duplicate content and distinct branding. Keysight needed a partner to support integration efforts, meet tight timelines, and preserve the content’s value.

The Solution

Tendo serves as Keysight’s go-to integration partner for acquisitions.

We typically audit existing URLs and assets to determine which content to migrate. We then recommend a unified IA and map content to Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) templates. For new pages, we complete stakeholder intake, editorial QA, and content updates.

We also rebrand assets and migrate them to AEM, applying proper tags and metadata. At each stage, Tendo manages stakeholder review and tracks progress with dashboards.

The Results


Web pages migrated


Video and literature assets rebranded


Assets migrated to DAM

All pages and assets from acquired companies are fully integrated into AEM under unified branding, presenting each acquisition as a seamless part of Keysight.

As Keysight’s content management partner for five years, Tendo uses our expertise to create Keysight-specific editorial guidance. Our new page/content migration checklist and AEM author guide help simplify long-term management processes.

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Scaling Content Creation for Cisco Partner Marketing

Tendo built an on-demand content engine for Cisco’s partner marketing team, helping realize a GTM strategy that repositioned the tech giant and drove sales.

Scaling Content Creation for Cisco Partner Marketing

Tendo built an on-demand content engine for Cisco’s partner marketing team, helping realize an ambitious GTM strategy that repositioned the tech giant and drove sales in a strategic growth market.

  • Reinforce and reposition Cisco as a leading technology vendor for small and medium businesses (SMBs)
  • Help Cisco partners increase sales to SMBs
  • Scale content creation to accelerate time to market despite limited internal resources
  • #1 most frequently activated partner campaign
  • 31% increase in SMB campaign activations
  • 25 high-value content assets created per quarter
  • Brand positioning and messaging
  • Campaign creation
  • Editorial services (via Tendo Content Studio)
Cisco cityscape

About Cisco’s SMB Focus

Cisco is the worldwide technology leader, with a portfolio of solutions for networking, security, collaboration, cloud management, and more.

Over the past 20-plus years, Cisco has cultivated a large and vibrant partner ecosystem that contributes more than 80% of the networking and security giant’s revenue. Partners support hundreds of thousands of customers with Cisco solutions and services, including small and medium businesses (SMBs). These SMBs represent a significant opportunity for both Cisco and its partners, so Cisco wanted to reinforce its commitment to the SMB market.

San Jose, CA
Networking and security
84,900 employees

The Challenge

Cisco needed to reinforce its position as a preferred technology vendor for SMBs—not just enterprises and commercial businesses.

And it wanted to increase sales to SMB customers, primarily through its partners. This objective would first require Cisco to educate and energize partners and distributors about the market opportunity. Next, Cisco would need to equip partners with SMB campaigns and content to drive awareness and consideration of its solutions among SMB customers.

Cisco needed help bringing this vision to life. They sought an agency partner with deep technology roots and content and editorial expertise. They required a firm that understood their business and could create high-quality, differentiated content in the shortest amount of time.

The Solution

Through our Tendo Content Studio model, a dedicated team of strategists, writers, designers, and project managers acted as Cisco’s content engine.

By leveraging our deep knowledge of Cisco’s technology, GTM strategy, and partner marketing intricacies, we helped Cisco reestablish its brand presence and impact sales in the SMB market.

Over a two-year span, Tendo concepted and created a series of high-priority customer, partner, and distributor campaigns. From brand awareness to sales enablement, thought leadership to product messaging guides, Cisco relied on Tendo to fuel some of its most business-critical initiatives.

The Results


Most frequently activated partner campaign


Increase in SMB campaign activations


High-value assets created per quarter, on average

This integrated effort has become one of the most high-performing initiatives for the SMB business unit and helped Cisco reestablish itself as a prominent player in the market.

“I always choose Tendo if I have the option because their team is amazing. They are attentive, detail-oriented, and produce superb deliverables, on time, on all of our project asks.” –Cisco Global Partner Marketing Manager

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Reflecting Kofax’s Evolution in a Web Redesign

Tendo re-imagined and re-organized Kofax’s website to reflect the company’s growth and to make its complex product hierarchy more accessible.

Tendo re-imagined and re-organized Kofax’s website to reflect the company’s growth and to make its complex product hierarchy more accessible.

The challenge: Kofax, a pioneer in intelligent automation, had a complex product lineup and a website that did not capture its evolving brand story. Kofax needed a partner to restructure its digital presence, create an improved user experience, and simplify access to its diverse array of services.

The solution: Tendo developed a new, multi-level website navigation framework, 30+ website modules, and a website design system to be implemented in the Sitecore CMS. The site garnered acclaim at the 2021 W3 Awards.

Crowe Case Study

Advanced Content Audit, Scoring, and Gap Analysis at Crowe

Tendo assessed Crowe’s thought leadership content to reveal strengths and new opportunities to engage key audiences.

Advanced Content Audit, Scoring & Gap Analysis at Crowe

Tendo assessed Crowe’s thought leadership content to reveal strengths and new opportunities to engage key audiences.

Crowe Case Study
  • Aggressive revenue goals require expanded outreach to key audiences.
  • Crowe needed to increase overall engagement with thought leadership content.
  • Crowe sought deeper insights on content performance, gaps, and opportunities.
  • 287 Crowe URLs and 237 competitor URLs assessed and scored
  • 33 content gaps identified, by audience, topic, and content type
  • 84 focused content recommendations delivered
  • Content audit and content scorecard
  • Content strategy recommendations

About Crowe LLP

Crowe LLP is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm across the United States and around the world.

Ranked as a top 10 U.S. public accounting firm, Crowe serves thousands of public- and private-sector clients across major industries, from banking and healthcare to manufacturing. Crowe supports clients with audit, accounting, and advisory services, tax planning services, business and technology consulting, and many other services. 

Crowe LLP
Chicago, IL
Public accounting and consulting services
4,300 U.S. employees

The Challenge

Like other top public accounting firms, Crowe prioritizes high-quality thought leadership content to engage and educate its audiences.

In 2022, the firm recognized the need for a content strategy refresh. To meet aggressive revenue goals for its Audit, Tax, and Digital Transformation business units, Crowe needed to increase brand awareness. But before it embarked on creating new content and campaigns, Crowe wisely sought to audit its existing content—to determine its strengths, gaps, and alignment with business priorities.

The Solution

Tendo recommended a content audit using our proprietary content scorecard methodology.

Our content strategists evaluated hundreds of articles, blog posts, reports, guidebooks, and videos from both Crowe and its key competitors. We scored content via quantitative factors (pageviews, bounce rate, SEO page authority, etc.) and qualitative criteria (content consistency, effectiveness, discoverability, etc.). The qualitative assessment also captured key attributes such as target audience, content type, journey stage, topic, industry, and so forth.

The Results


Crowe and competitor URLs reviewed


Content gaps discovered


Content recommendations shared

This comprehensive approach revealed a wealth of actionable insights on content quality and performance. For example, Crowe content scored high on brand consistency and effectiveness. But the scorecard revealed numerous content gaps and opportunities, such as the need for a greater diversity of content types and topics, as well as more content focused on certain audiences. Based on these findings, Tendo developed dozens of content recommendations that laid the groundwork for Crowe’s 2022 content strategy roadmap.

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Salesforce Logo

A Taxonomy for Dynamic Content Personalization

Tendo helped Salesforce optimize taxonomy and tagging strategy to enable personalized content for more conversions and increased loyalty.

A Taxonomy for Dynamic Content Personalization

Tendo helped Salesforce optimize taxonomy and tagging strategy to enable personalized content for more conversions and increased loyalty.

Salesforce Company Logo on Building
  • Different taxonomies being managed in multiple systems
  • Inconsistent use of tags
  • No consolidated, enterprise-wide taxonomy or governance roadmap
  • An organized and consistent taxonomy
  • Governance framework for long-term management
  • 750 assets consistently tagged and ready to be surfaced
  • Taxonomy audit
  • Personalization rules and requirements
  • Content tagging roadmap

About Salesforce

Salesforce makes CRM software that empowers companies of every size and industry.

It gives them a complete 360° view of their customers everywhere they interact with the company, enabling a better customer experience.

Salesforce wanted to facilitate personalized content delivery on its website for richer user experiences and deeper customer relationships—but they needed a solid back-end taxonomy and a tagging strategy to serve up the right content.

San Francisco, CA
Enterprise CRM software
78,000 employees

The Challenge

Several different taxonomies were being managed in multiple systems.

Primary tags had been created in Adobe Experience Manager but had only been applied to some content and were largely used for filtering. The digital content strategy team needed a consolidated, enterprise-wide, user-friendly taxonomy with a clear roadmap for long-term management and governance. This would allow for consistent tagging, which is essential for effective personalization.

The Solution

Tendo took the following approach to facilitating content personalization:
  • Researched end-user priorities and validated current taxonomy structure with stakeholders
  • Audited existing taxonomy structures and their use
  • Defined pilot personalization use cases and rules and prioritized content attributes
  • Reviewed and recommended taxonomy management tools
  • Mapped workflows and developed taxonomy governance framework
  • Recommended reorganization of namespaces and categories

The Results

“Tendo corrected course for us and showed us that while we had the proper tags, many were organized incorrectly. We now have more than 750 assets consistently tagged and ready to be surfaced across our website using simple business rules. Tendo also helped establish best practices for tagging, which allows various parties to tag content similarly.”

–Arthur Patterson, Content Strategy Manager, Salesforce

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AI search

Taking an Agile Approach with AI Search

Tendo helped our client, an enterprise software provider, pivot their SEO strategy to adapt to an evolving AI-influenced search landscape.

The challenge: Our client, a B2B enterprise business, had a robust body of product documentation that had experienced a decline in organic search traffic. The client asked Tendo to assess their site’s current organic search performance and ascertain how content is being found in an evolving AI-influenced SERP landscape and how this would impact traffic in the future.

The solution: Tendo explored changes in AI-powered search and user search behaviors to inform the client’s future documentation search and content strategy. Tasks included:

  • Current state analysis
  • First-person user research
  • Third-party research on AI search trends
  • SEO keyword audit
Cisco Logo


An improved site experience leads to better business metrics for Cisco.


An improved site experience leads to better business metrics for Cisco.

Cisco Company Logo
  • Existing site was outdated and overloaded
  • Stakeholders lacked goals for the site and insight into the customer journey
  • 15% increase in unique visitors
  • 13% increase in task completion
  • 68% increase in click-through rate
  • Top task and user needs analysis
  • Competitive and best practices review
  • Content architecture, content models, and content specifications

About Cisco

Cisco sells hardware, software, and service offerings that make networks possible.

It offers products and solutions in routing, switching, home networking security, storage area networking, and more.

Cisco needed to ensure users could quickly and easily find information on Goals included an increase in overall traffic to the site, doubling visitor engagement with content, boosting lead generation, and decreasing costs and resources needed to maintain the site.

San Jose, CA
Networking and security
84,900 employees

The Challenge

The existing site was outdated and overloaded, and most stakeholders didn’t have a stated purpose or goal for the site.

Pages were glorified data sheets and the site was seen as a nice-to-have rather than a powerful tool to fulfill business needs. The project became a forcing function to uncover friction points in how products were sold—and the journey customers took to get there.

The Solution

Tendo took the following approach to improve the site’s information architecture and key webpages:
  • Conducted in-depth research and architected a content framework that could easily be expanded and maintained across the entire site
  • Carried out a current state analysis, as well as competitive and best-in-class reviews
  • Interviewed key stakeholders and target audience members
  • Developed a content architecture and replicable, scalable content models—that included organization, prioritization, and copy specs—across key page types

The Results


Increase in unique visitors


Increase in task completion


Increase in click-through rate

After the redesign, saw a 15% increase in unique visitors, a 13% increase in task completion, a 68% increase in click-through rate, and a 32% increase in “contact us” clicks. After metrics validated the work, Cisco built a design system of plug-and-play components based on our content framework and scaled it across all business units.

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Driving Ecolab’s Digital Sales Growth

Tendo reimagined and rebuilt a set of six co-branded product-based sites for Ecolab that helped sales reps leverage data and better execute sales.

Driving Ecolab’s Digital Sales Growth

Tendo reimagined and rebuilt a set of six co-branded product-based sites for Ecolab that helped sales reps leverage data and better execute sales.

  • Enhance distribution partner support
  • Develop co-branded marketing sites
  • Implement advanced sales tools
  • Improved sales enablement for distribution partners
  • Revamped co-branded product-based websites
  • Enhanced digital strategy for increased sales
  • Digital strategy development
  • User experience and visual design
  • Sitecore development

About Ecolab

Ecolab is a global sustainability leader offering water, hygiene and infection prevention solutions and services that protect people and the resources vital to life.

Customers in more than 40 industries choose Ecolab’s comprehensive science-based solutions, data-driven insights and world-class service to advance food safety, maintain clean and safe environments, and optimize water and energy use.

St. Paul, MN
Environmental Services
47,000 employees

The Challenge

Ecolab wanted to increase digital sales and strengthen critical relationships with its broadline food distributors—such as Sysco and US Foods—and their co-branded products.

To meet this challenge, Ecolab needed to strengthen the public face of the co-brands, and to give distributor sales teams better digital tools and resources.

The Solution

Tendo reimagined and rebuilt a set of six co-branded product-based sites, each with their own logged-in set of tools and resources.

We developed a detailed multi-year digital strategy plan for how to drive increased sales for Ecolab, and we relaunched six websites that pull data from multiple product catalogs; these sites integrated multiple SSO sources tied with a complex permissioning and personalization structure all implemented on the Sitecore.

The Results

The new sales tools leveraged sales and customer data to help the distributor sales rep better target and execute sales of the co-branded products. The new public-facing websites drove sales leads and customer inquiries as well.

These co-branded websites included the following:

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adobe logo

Adobe Marketing Cloud Editorial Strategy

Tendo developed a strategic content marketing approach to help Adobe increase relevance, scale, and compete.

Adobe Marketing Cloud Editorial Strategy

Tendo developed a strategic content marketing approach to help Adobe increase relevance, scale, and compete.

  • Inconsistency in content quality, volume, and relevance
  • Lack of clear content development process
  • Restrictive content gating policy
  • Creation of diverse, relevant content supporting the buyer’s journey
  • A scalable model to develop industry-specific content
  • Greater prominence and accessibility of content on
  • Content audits, content calendar creation, content type development
  • Customer journey mapping
  • Demand strategy
  • Editorial organization consulting and editorial strategy

About Adobe

Adobe’s Marketing Cloud is an integrated, digital solution, enabling marketers to optimize campaigns and digital experiences.

To excel in this fiercely competitive category, Adobe needed to evolve its approach to its Marketing Cloud content. Inconsistent quality and volume, with too broad a focus, or limited to specific products, hindered an in-depth exploration of industry concerns and called into question Adobe’s commitment to key industries and trends.

San Jose, CA
Software development
25,988 employees

The Challenge

As the Tendo team immersed in Adobe and its content, we discovered opportunities for improvement:

Some Adobe marketers excelled at content, others floundered without support; a lack of clear process; a content mix skewed towards one asset type; and a restrictive gating strategy, among others. In short, while Adobe was doing many things right, to get to the next level, it needed a plan with a capital P.

The Solution

Tendo’s approach included crafting the following:
  • A content marketing strategy—a blueprint for creating diverse, relevant, industry-specific content across the buyer’s journey
  • A scalable approach for content planning, themes, types, distribution, and measurement
  • A content development process with insourced, outsourced, and hybrid options
  • An editorial strategy that aligned and intersected business trends with industry-specific challenges

The Results

Adobe now produces a more compelling mix of videos, case studies, and first-person perspectives from Adobe experts, addressing specific industries and business trends with increased accessibility on By evolving its approach, Adobe was able to sharpen how it markets to marketers, meeting the needs of a highly sophisticated audience, in a category that gets more competitive every day.

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Blackboard Logo

Generating Leads for Blackboard with an Interactive Assessment

Tendo created a high-value assessment and ecosystem of content to help educate Blackboard’s audience and convert leads.

Generating Leads for Blackboard with an Interactive Assessment

Tendo created a high-value assessment and ecosystem of content to help educate Blackboard’s audience and convert leads.

  • Lack of brand awareness in the professional arena
  • Disengaged buyer audience with lack of quality leads
  • Many potential customers already had similar systems in place
  • Created an integrated campaign anchored by a gated interactive eBook
  • Developed a 20-question assessment with personalized recommendations
  • Exceeded client expectation, generating more than 400 leads in a month
  • Demand creative and strategy
  • Campaign planning with content creation
  • Development of emails, offers, and social assets

About Blackboard

Blackboard (now part of Anthology) is a category leader in learning management systems (LSM) for educational markets.

Despite the ability of Blackboard’s learning environment to educate and train employees online, Blackboard was not well-known in the professional arena. While it sells solutions to corporations and government agencies, many already had a solution in place.

Boca Raton, FL
Educational technology
3,600 employees

The Challenge

Blackboard’s Professional Education marketing team needed to drive leads.

But Blackboard’s lack of awareness in the category put it at a distinct disadvantage. They first needed to engage the audience in a meaningful way, and tell the Blackboard story. How could Blackboard break through the clutter to build a compelling case and demonstrate its value to the industry? We started, as we always do, by examining the buyer.

The Solution

Tendo conducted interviews with customers and subject matter experts to gather insights and develop a strategy:

By assessing the potential benefits of what a world-class learning management system could provide, buyers would be curious to discover how they might best achieve them. The result was an integrated campaign, anchored by a gated interactive eBook with factoids and best practices, and a 20-question assessment with personalized recommendations.

The Results

We included in the eBook-centered campaign an ecosystem of content, including an infographic, social media posts, emails, online advertisements, and blog posts. The bottom line: The campaign was a resounding success. Though the initial goal was to generate 200 leads over the life of the campaign, the ebook generated more than 400 leads in one month, greatly exceeding Blackboard’s expectations.

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LPL Logo

Digital Content Optimization for LPL Financial

Tendo optimized digital content for financial advisors by developing a taxonomy, information architecture, and content structure.

Digital Content Optimization for LPL Financial

Tendo optimized LPL’s digital content by developing taxonomy, information architecture, content structure, and workflow and governance recommendations.

LPL Financial logo
  • Duplicate content across multiple platforms
  • Difficulty finding the right assets to meet user needs and priorities
  • No streamlined process to create and manage digital content
  • A structured content approach with standardized nomenclature
  • Content hub and tagging system so content can be reused and gathered
  • Reduced costs by simplifying processes and workflows
  • Information architecture and taxonomy
  • Structured content framework
  • Content object models and system requirements
  • Workflow and content governance guidance and training

About LPL Financial

LPL Financial is the nation’s largest independent broker-dealer.

The firm offers comprehensive support for all kinds of financial professionals, from independent financial advisors to large-scale financial institutions. With so many different advisors to serve, LPL wanted to improve the overall digital experience for new and existing advisors who needed support in performing tasks and transactions when operating their businesses.

LPL Financial
San Diego, CA
Financial services
5,000 employees

The Challenge

LPL Financial needed to provide its internal and external users with the right content in the right context.

The existing system yielded duplicate content across multiple platforms, impeding users from easily accessing the assets they needed.

Tendo’s task was to develop a foundation for the emerging Content Hub that would house content independent of end-user platform. We also needed to streamline the process for creating and managing digital content.

The Solution

Tendo developed requirements for a centralized repository of information.

We outlined how content could be created once and then repurposed for multiple audiences and systems.

We surveyed internal users to discover their needs and preferences, using the results to inform the information architecture and taxonomy. Then we established guidelines for content distribution so that users could easily find the right content at the right time. We also helped streamline content processes and workflows, and supported the content governance and training required for the new Content Hub.

The Results

Tendo implemented a structured approach that:

  • Standardized nomenclature and structure
  • Enabled content to be easily reused via a content hub and tagging system
  • Improved search results
  • Reduced costs by simplifying processes and workflows
  • Drove enterprise adoption via content governance, training, and change management

“I cannot speak highly enough of the partnership you’ve demonstrated throughout this experience. And I know the LPL team here will continue to benefit.”
—Dana Storsberg, Project Manager, LPL Financial

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HPE logo.

Turning Thought Leaders into Influencers for HPE Services

Tendo built HPE Services’ influencer marketing, helping change perceptions about its evolving capabilities by unlocking and promoting the insights of its thought leaders.

Turning Thought Leaders into Influencers for HPE Services

How Tendo helped HPE Services grow its business by showcasing a primary asset: the thought leadership of its consultants.

HPE logo.
  • Lack of brand awareness around HPE Services’ evolving support offerings
  • Missed opportunities to harness HPE consultants’ thought leadership
  • Limited time and know-how to develop an effective influencer marketing strategy
  • Thought leadership skills and assets
  • Increased name recognition and follower counts
  • Quarterly report to monitor performance
  • Influencer training and social media support for HPE consultants
  • Thought leadership topic and content creation
  • Growth metrics analysis, measurement, and reporting
HPE tech industry event in large expo hall.

About HPE Services

HPE Services offer global IT strategy and  information technology support from edge to cloud.

HPE Services is built to help businesses unlock the value of data from edge to cloud. As customer needs evolved, so did the support that HPE Services was offering. To build awareness around these changes—and thereby grow its business, HPE Services needed a way to leverage the broad thought leadership of its consultants.

Spring, TX
Information technology
62,000 employees

The Challenge

To build revenue and market share, HPE Services needed to increase awareness and visibility among prospective and existing customers.

The executives and consultants leading HPE Services possessed vast industry knowledge and unique insights that, if shared, would demonstrate the breadth, relevance, and unique value of their capabilities and services.

Though HPE Services leaders and consultants had extensive networks of contacts in their field, they lacked a robust digital footprint. While experts in their fields, these individuals had limited time and the know-how needed to develop their digital profiles in a way that could aid in growing the business.

The Solution

Tendo developed an influencer marketing program to showcase  the thought leadership of HPE services executives while generating visibility for the business.

Tendo developed strategy and provided ongoing execution support for a program that showcased HPE Services consultants as the thought leaders they already were. This involved developing  process, and content strategy and execution support to create and distribute quality content to build credibility while gaining visibility for HPE Services capabilities.

Tendo conducted interviews with key consultants, developed a calendar of relevant topics, and ghost-wrote blog articles on their behalf, tailored to their areas of expertise. We also created custom programs to coach each consultant through the skills needed to grow their X and LinkedIn audiences and profiles.

Our support packages and training helped boost HPE Services consultants’ presence at industry events and via social media. This led to an increase in attendance at consultant-led sessions and helped our influencers increase direct engagement with prospects.

Tendo also developed and managed quarterly reports to measure and analyze the impact of each consultant’s reach via social channels. We provided individualized training s that helped empower these executives to better manage their own profiles.

The Results

By both quantitative and qualitative measurements, the HPE Services influencer program was a strong success. Tendo increased consultants’ name recognition within their industry and grew follower counts by double-digit percentages. In one case, a consultant met new contacts at an event who already knew him from his online profile.

Additionally, HPE executives learned via Tendo coaching how to better demonstrate the value of their expertise and independently started posting and engaging with online contacts.

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Boston Scientific P3 logo.

Video Production and Logo Design for Boston Scientific

Tendo helped build awareness and excitement for Boston Scientific’s P3 leadership development program by producing effective, attention-grabbing videos.

Video Production and Logo Design for Boston Scientific

How Tendo built excitement and anticipation for the P3 leadership development program with dynamic video production and logo creation.

Boston Scientific P3 logo.
  • Fast-paced project, with many moving parts and shifting goals, requiring quick turnaround
  • Need to communicate information-rich message to busy sales leaders
  • Two effective, attention-grabbing videos conveying program value prop
  • High-quality logo to reinforce program branding
  • Video production
  • Design services
Mountaineers climbing up a snowy peak.

About Boston Scientific

Boston Scientific produces and sells innovative medical devices that improve the health of patients around the world.

Its Peak Performance Program, or P3, is a world-class development program that supports sales leaders in its Cardiology group in hitting their sales targets and developing leadership skills.

Boston Scientific
Marlborough, MA
Medical devices and engineering
48,000 employees

The Challenge

Boston Scientific needed to drive awareness and anticipation for its P3 leadership development program.

The company also needed to communicate the P3 program format, value proposition, and benefits—all while competing with the content filling the inboxes of its busy sales leaders.

In addition, project turnaround was tight, and program details and messaging were being developed and updated in tandem with video development and production.

The Solution

The first step involved designing a program logo that incorporated Boston Scientific branding as well as the program’s mountain peak motif.

Next, Tendo focused on video production, working with stakeholders to refine a creative direction, develop storyboards, and select stock visuals. Our visual designer then edited the stock footage with music, talking-head footage, and custom in-house visuals to produce two dynamic videos.

The Results

The completed videos captured recipients’ attention, and built excitement and anticipation for P3 through inspirational imagery and sound bites on leadership excellence. It also conveyed all the essential information about participating in the rigorous program.

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UX Content Strategy for Autodesk Education

Tendo refined a complex sign-up process to maintain a positive and purposeful content experience for Autodesk Education users.

UX Content Strategy for Autodesk Education

Tendo refined a complex sign-up process to maintain a positive and purposeful content experience for Autodesk Education users.

Autodesk image
  • Complex sign-up flow with multiple steps
  • Inconsistent terminology for key tasks
  • A user-first, guided sign-up process
  • Cohesive experience showcasing Autodesk Education benefits
  • Content strategy consulting
  • UX writing
man viewing industrial design software

About Autodesk

Autodesk makes design software for use in the architecture, engineering, and construction industries.

Products like AutoCAD and Revit help makers design and build everything from cars to skyscrapers. Autodesk’s industry-leading software is available to students and educators in fields such as design, architecture, and engineering. Its software can be accessed through the Autodesk Education program and its associated website, which is run and maintained by the Autodesk Education team.

San Francisco, CA
Design software
10,000 employees

The Challenge

In the past, Autodesk did not require verification for educational users–anyone could get free access.

Autodesk Education planned to introduce a process to verify genuine educational users. Sign-up forms are a key friction point, especially when a process spans multiple touchpoints. The new process had to be clear and navigable and maintain the brand experience while introducing additional steps and showcasing the benefits of educational access.

The Solution

Tendo conducted a comprehensive review of UX content in the sign-up and verification process.

We then developed options for program names, messaging, and standard key terms. Finally, we updated and optimized UX copy, including banners, form copy, success messages, and transactional emails. In our review process, we identified key gaps and inconsistencies, as well as places where Autodesk could remind a user of the benefits of an educational membership.  

The Results

The final UX copy and user journey is clear, consistent, and purposeful in its tone and messaging. The new, consistent content experience goes beyond easing the pain of transitioning to a complex system: It also maintains Autodesk’s position as a trusted academic partner, fostering brand affinity that lasts after students graduate and continues as they begin their careers.

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CA Logo

CA Technologies Website Optimization

Tendo developed a strategy, created a blueprint, and launched a pilot to enhance the user experience and drive lead generation.

CA Technologies Website Optimization

Tendo developed a strategy, created a blueprint, and launched a pilot to enhance the user experience and drive lead generation.

CA Technologies Company Logo on wall of building
  • Significant audience drop-off with little repeat traffic
  • Lacked a focused digital experience
  • A disorganized website comprising thousands of pages
  • Streamlined, user-centric information and content architecture
  • Revised content assets supporting the customer journey
  • Content blueprint and plan to help drive conversions
  • Webpage assessment and qualitative audit
  • Competitive and best practices review
  • User journey and asset mapping
  • Content architecture and content models
  • Web copy

About CA Technologies

CA Technologies, now a subsidiary of Broadcom Inc., manages, monitors, and secures computer infrastructure across mainframe, distributed, and cloud computing.

Despite a recent redesign and a high number of net-new visits per year (4.5 million), 86% of visitors to never returned—the industry benchmark is 54%. The site was disorganized and bloated (23,000 pages) as a result of company acquisitions, and it was focused more on products than customer needs.

CA Technologies
San Jose, CA
Enterprise software development
10,000+ employees

The Challenge

CA Technologies needed to reduce drop-offs and increase repeat visits from its target audiences.

But the strategic priority was to create a user-centric destination of discovery that could increase and accelerate conversions, consideration, and sales. CA asked Tendo to create the content blueprint and plan to help get them there, starting with a pilot that focused on the API Management section of

The Solution

Tendo took the following approach to overhaul the user experience:
  • Evaluated web pages for metrics, navigation, UX, voice, and user journey
  • Conducted a qualitative audit of 130 assets
  • Charted numerous user flows to ensure streamlined and logical access to key information
  • Developed a content strategy and roadmap to answer:
    – What content should go on the site
    – How it should be presented
    – How users would experience it
    – Which assets aligned to user journeys

The Results

A streamlined information and content architecture align with the customer journey, design and content are in harmony, and revised content assets live at the appropriate site level.

“Tendo had the specialized content and UX skill sets and knowledge I was looking for. They did a stellar job on a complex and challenging project. I highly recommend them.”

–Rodnei Connolly, Vice President, Global Digital Brand Strategy & Marketing, CA Technologies

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ServiceNow Product Documentation Restructure

Tendo developed recommendations to help ServiceNow improve the effectiveness of its product documentation library to better support the buyer journey.

The challenge: The cloud-based solutions provider asked Tendo to help identify opportunities to improve the user experience and findability of key information, extend and update the content structure, and integrate product content to drive a more comprehensive content experience.

The solution: Tendo’s process included the following tasks:

  • Research deep-dive (personas, user research, onsite search logs, customer service call data, analytics, etc.)
  • Current state analysis of front-end and back-end (SEO, UX, IA, navigation, metadata, taxonomy, etc.)
  • Competitive/comparative review
  • Stakeholder survey, interviews, and workshops
  • Card sort exercise to inform IA and foundational taxonomy
  • Identification of top tasks, or jobs to be done (JTBD), plus key content integration points and gaps
  • Task flow mapping based on top JTBD

Fortinet Solution Page Enhancement

Tendo provided guidance to improve the on-page content experience for Fortinet’s solution pages.

The challenge: Fortinet needed to update the copy and organization of its solution pages to improve the on-page content experience and align with new brand messaging.

The solution: Tendo’s thorough analysis and enhancements included the following steps:

  • Content audit
  • Content gap analysis
  • Messaging analysis
  • Recommended content organization
  • New website copy

HPE Influencer Content and Support

Tendo boosted HPE influencers’ online status and credibility, leading to a 50 percent increase in clicks and a 59 percent growth in shares.

The challenge: HPE software service influencers needed to amplify their stature as credible thought leaders on social media.

The solution: Over a multi-year program, Tendo created content for HPE on LinkedIn and Twitter that:

  • Built influence with partners, customers, media, and analysts
  • Identified social media opportunities with original social content to post
  • Used live event playbooks to leverage social connections from digital to real-world relationships
  • Fostered a positive online reputation that potential customers associated with HPE

Caltech MarCom Communications Plan

Tendo developed an integrated communications plan that represented the institution’s renewed brand identity.

The challenge: Caltech needed a communications plan that addressed the needs of the university and worked in concert with a recently completed identity and brand rollout.

The solution: Tendo developed an integrated communications plan that:

  • Reflected the institution’s updated strategic identity
  • Outlined consensus-driven processes and vehicles to socialize and promote the new identity
  • Provided content mix and channel recommendations
  • Reviewed competitor communications

Informatica Thought Leadership Program

Tendo created a large-scale thought leadership program for Informatica that resulted in 50,000 net new opt-ins over three years.

The challenge: Informatica needed to drive awareness and understanding for its solutions in a chaotic and confusing data analytics category.

The solution: Tendo created and executed Potential @ Work, an end-to-end thought leadership program that included more than 130 articles, three e-books, and a monthly e-newsletter with six persona versions—all housed in a cross-industry, cross-discipline content hub. Tendo developed the strategy and internal workflows, managed the editorial calendar and content creation, and developed a metrics dashboard.

Autodesk SMP Provider Profiles

Tendo helped Autodesk increase provider inquiries 43 percent by improving the effectiveness of the Services Marketplace website.

The challenge: Autodesk needed to increase its site’s effectiveness because it was a valuable tool for customers to find and hire Autodesk-vetted service providers.

The solution: Tendo helped Autodesk service providers better position themselves and their capabilities by improving the look and feel of their individual profiles, specifically by:

  • Auditing existing profiles and competitor sites
  • Rearchitecting the provider profile site layout
  • Developing provider best practices to boost traffic, inquiries, and user experience
  • Creating a style guide and newsletter to ensure quality and consistency
Cisco Logo

Cisco Marketing Velocity Content Support

Tendo created visually driven and information-rich content to boost awareness of Cisco’s Marketing Velocity Activate program.

The challenge: Cisco needed to introduce new content that would drive awareness of their new Marketing Velocity Activate program.

The solution: Tendo created a campaign playbook with personalized partner opportunity data that showed Activate’s business value. We also created an infographic and video to drive users to the playbook.

Centrify Demand Generation Architecture

Tendo developed a scalable plan to increase Centrify’s lead volume for persona-based nurture communications.

The challenge: Centrify needed to develop a scalable demand generation architecture to improve SAL volume and move to an always-on, persona-based approach to nurture communications.

The solution: Tendo performed a thorough discovery process to understand Centrify’s vision, strategy, audiences, and capabilities. Discover set the stage for a plan that:

  • Defined and developed target personas and insights
  • Shifted messaging to customer-centric themes
  • Evolved from a linear, one-to-many approach to a dynamic, always-on, journey-based email model

Irrigation Association Strategy and Measurement Plan

Tendo optimized the Irrigation Association’s digital marketing presence to better represent the needs of its members.

The challenge: The Irrigation Association needed to update and optimize its digital marketing presence to better serve its members and represent their interests.

The solution: Tendo helped the Irrigation Association achieve these goals by developing the following deliverables:

  • Goal alignment and prioritization
  • Strategic digital marketing plan
  • Measurement plan
  • Benchmark report
  • Measurement dashboard

BMC Remedy ​Customer Stories​

Tendo refined and improved BMC’s customer case studies, making them more engaging and visual.

The challenge: BMC needed to update its customer case studies template for its BMC Remedy solution, to make each case study more readable and engaging.

The solution: Tendo redefined BMC’s case study approach and format as follows:

  • Created a longer, more visual case study template
  • Incorporated a journalistic approach to case study content creation​
  • Balanced BMC and customer branding​
  • Included related social and infographic content to promote case studies
Blackboard Logo

Blackboard Event Registration Campaign

Tendo developed multichannel campaign assets to drive record registrations for Blackboard’s Edtech conference.

The challenge: Blackboard needed to drive audience generation and registrations for BB World ’14, one of the world’s largest Edtech conferences.

The solution: Tendo coordinated and developed a set of attendee assets including:

  • Assets developed and versioned across seven separate tracks​, including provosts, developers, attendees, and net-new targets
  • Social media posts, blog posts, call scripts, and direct mail
  • Blackboard achieved its largest event attendee count to date​
Cisco Logo

Cisco Messaging for Service Provider Executives

Tendo created effective, audience-focused messaging that articulated Cisco’s value proposition to executives.

The challenge: The Cisco team identified a need to develop a customer-facing messaging deck that clearly articulated Cisco’s network automation value proposition to executive audiences within the service provider marketplace​.

The solution: Tendo created a network automation pitch deck that:​

  • Created a compelling case for automation, based on key trends in the service provider industry and top executive careabouts​
  • Articulated Cisco’s engagement approach and proven outcomes​​
  • Provided an executive view of the Cisco architecture framework, including specific use cases and high-level functional viewpoints​​
Salesforce Logo

Evolving the Salesforce Digital Content Experience

Tendo audited and scored Salesforce’s digital content and made recommendations to improve it.

The challenge: As part of a larger evolution of its digital content strategy framework, Salesforce identified a need to evaluate the performance and quality of existing content assets and pages on and to identify opportunities for improvement.​

The solution: Tendo took the following steps:

  • Leveraged the Tendo content scorecard to evaluate content both quantitatively and qualitatively​​​
  • Used a representative sample of content to identify trends and patterns in content quality, usability, and performance relative to average or industry standards​​
  • Made recommendations, based on representative content types to address changes or updates to the larger content body​​​

Citrix Website Strategy: From Product-led to Persona-led

Tendo enhanced Citrix’s website strategy with a customer journey framework that addressed personas’ content needs.

The challenge: Citrix needed its content to be less product-focused and more customer-focused.

The solution: Tendo developed a customer journey framework to address different personas and content goals across the journey. The framework included:

  • Content audit
  • Gap analysis
  • New content types
  • Persona-based journeys with influence and rationale

Creating a User-Centric Website for CA Technologies

Tendo transformed CA Technologies’ website into a demand gen engine that drove business growth.

The challenge: Despite a complete redesign in 2017 and a high number of net-new visits per year ​(4.5 million), 86% of visitors to never returned.

The solution: In a three-phase approach, working with two other agencies, Tendo:

  • Evaluated webpages and conducted a qualitative content audit.
  • Mapped users’ digital journey and developed a digital content strategy framework, content architecture and content models, and information architecture.
  • Brought the digital strategy to life with wireframes, new illustrations, and all-new SEO-optimized web copy.

Defining Digital Content Strategy at Salesforce

Tendo helped Salesforce define how content strategy contributes to the success of digital marketing.

The challenge: Salesforce needed to codify the role of content strategy across the organization, particularly as it related to digital experience.

The solution: Tendo worked with a broad team of content professionals at Salesforce to develop these resources, including:​

  • A comparative maturity study
  • Content goals and KPIs to measure content strategy​ success
  • How content strategy fits within the digital organization​
  • What an ideal operational framework for content strategy looks like​
  • How to manage content governance and maintenance

A Reimagined Digital Banking Platform for Canadian Credit Unions

Tendo optimized user experiences across multiple institutions through a digital banking overhaul for Central 1 and its network of credit unions.

A Reimagined Digital Banking Platform for Canadian Credit Unions

Tendo reimagined and redesigned the online banking and marketing website platform used by hundreds of Canadian credit unions.

  • Diverse brand identities & product offerings across credit unions
  • Lack of design flexibility and scalability
  • Platform integration challenges
  • New platform with scalable and modern user experience
  • Marketing site builder tool for branding flexibility and consistency
  • Adaptable online banking UX/design for varied product offerings
  • Digital strategy implementation
  • User experience design
  • Visual branding development

About Central 1

Central 1 offers financial products and digital banking services to 300 credit unions across Canada.

Central 1 serves as the primary liquidity manager, payments provider, and trade association for 42 member credit unions in B.C. and 70 in Ontario, and it serves a network that represents 3.3 million members and holds more than $118.8 billion in assets.

Central 1
Vancouver, BC
Financial Services
700 employees

The Challenge

Central 1 needed an adaptable online banking and marketing website platform.

Central 1 needed a flexible digital experience platform (encompassing public/marketing websites and online banking) that was adaptable to a multitude of credit unions, each with distinct brand and service offerings.

The platform required seamless alignment with Backbase’s multifaceted use cases and a unified design framework to support the diverse credit union landscape. In addition, Central 1 needed to help credit unions easily create their own public-facing websites for marketing purposes.

The Solution

Tendo optimized Central 1’s user experiences with a site builder and design system overhaul.

Collaborating closely with Central 1 and Backbase, Tendo created a holistic user experience design system that is flexible based on specific product offerings, user attributes, and brand considerations. The design system was particularly complex as it needed to support hundreds of brands and use cases and be implemented on Backbase’s platform.

In addition, Tendo created a true “drag and drop” site builder tool that allowed any Central 1 credit union to build its own public website, within a best practice design framework.

The Results

The new online banking platform allowed credit unions to provide user-friendly digital services to their customers. The site builder tool empowered each credit union to create engaging and attractive independent websites that aligned with their brand identity.

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Optimizing Member Acquisition for CCUA

Tendo overhauled CCUA’s platform to enhance member acquisition, boost new member conversions, and streamline credit union management.

Optimizing Member Acquisition for CCUA

Tendo helped develop and implement an incentive-based platform that boosted new member signups across 42 credit unions throughout British Columbia.

  • Acquisition and conversion optimization
  • Credit Union management
  • Secure data management
  • Improved new member acquisition
  • Simplified credit union management
  • Heightened platform security
  • User experience enhancement
  • Visual branding development
  • Customized platform development

About CCUA

The Canadian Credit Union Association (CCUA) is the national trade association for Canadian credit unions.

As Canada’s first national credit union-governed organization, it works to fortify the sector through heightened awareness initiatives, industry insights, and professional development programs. The “Get Your Share” program is a core incentive-based initiative fostering new member acquisition among the 42 credit unions in British Columbia.

Canadian Credit Union Association
Toronto, ON
Financial Services
100 employees

The Challenge

CCUA needed a scalable digital platform for a new initiative.

Its “Get Your Share” initiative aimed to drive new member signups. The platform needed to meet the highest security standards and had to be brandable for any CCUA credit union to use. It had to sync seamlessly with a back-end CRM to manage contacts and reports. Finally, it needed to be engaging and user friendly to showcase offers and incentives that would attract and convert new customers.

The Solution

Tendo designed and developed a new platform to combat the issues facing CCUA’s current digital infrastructure.

The design and structure allowed all 42 different credit unions to customize their own brand and messaging. We leveraged Salesforce and integrated a headless CMS for AWS publication. This highly secure platform would deliver increased accessibility and user-friendly features for all participating credit unions, as well as revamp user experience and refine visual branding.

The Results

The initiative saw a marked improvement in new member conversions, resulting from a revamped user experience and strategic enhancements. Additionally, the streamlined administrative backend empowered credit unions by simplifying lead management, enhancing platform security, and ensuring a seamless and secure member acquisition process.

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sodexo logo

Thought Leadership Content for Higher Education

Tendo helped Sodexo position itself as a global thought leader to expand relationships with existing and new university accounts.

Thought Leadership Content for Higher Education

Tendo helped Sodexo position itself as a global thought leader to expand relationships with existing and new university accounts.

  • No brand awareness and education around additional Sodexo services
  • Lack of sales enablement content to engage customers
  • No experience creating thought leadership content or a campaign at scale
  • Creation of a high-value trend report generating immediate buzz
  • Increase in sales with existing and new university customers
  • Thought leadership content formatted for use across many channels
  • Editorial strategy and content creation
  • Campaign planning
  • Social content development
stock image of person thinking

About Sodexo

Sodexo Universities is a leader in campus dining and facilities management for public universities and private colleges.

It sought to engage its audience, university leadership, in a new way. Already well-known for its food services, Sodexo had an opportunity to share its point of view about its robust offering around a bundle of quality-of-life services for students and staff. The idea was to strengthen awareness of these solutions and connect with university leadership beyond food and facilities.

Gaithersburg, MD
Food and facilities management services
47,500 employees

The Challenge

Sodexo needed to position itself as a thought leader on higher education and campus life.

To accomplish this, Sodexo wanted to create a global report on key trends affecting the student journey and campus experience. Tendo helped Sodexo refine its marketing goals, and uncovered the need for an anchor asset that would drive brand awareness, brand education, and sales enablement via an integrated content campaign spanning multiple channels.

The Solution

Tendo led a complex and collaborative effort to:
  • Create an Editorial Advisory Committee in tandem with the Sodexo Institute for Quality of Life, an in-house think tank, to identify and profile five global education trends.
  • Interview 11 world-class education experts.
  • Create a 32-page print and digital Sodexo University Trends Report.
  • Translate the text into a wide range of content formats—blog posts, social posts, emails, videos, and infographics.

The Results

The report generated immediate buzz and helped Sodexo’s sales teams expand relationships with existing and new university accounts. Sodexo shined a light on major changes in higher education and universities’ role in preparing students for a complex world. And it continues to leverage this trend report in industry publications, conferences, trade shows, social media, and sales conversations.

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Modernized Web Design and Visual Language for Alterna Savings

Tendo revamped Alterna Savings’ digital platform with a modern website design, enhancing user experience and accessibility.

Modernized Web Design and Visual Language for Alterna Savings

Tendo crafted a new website design to enhance Alterna Savings’ online presence.

  • Website modernization
  • Outdated visual design language
  • Underdeveloped user experience
  • New updated website
  • Enhanced visual design
  • Scalable user experience
  • Digital strategy development
  • User-centric design solutions
  • Visual and technical development

About Alterna Savings

Alterna Savings is a credit union based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Now with over 150,000 members across Canada, Alterna Savings was the first full-service, member-owned financial co-operative outside Quebec, and is the first financial institution to introduce a national digital bank.

Alterna Savings
Ottawa, ON
Financial Services
800 employees

The Challenge

Alterna Savings sought a website redesign to align with modern usability standards.

Alterna Savings needed to update the website with a new visual design language, while keeping it user-friendly and adaptable for implementation by their development team.

The Solution

Tendo executed a comprehensive website redesign strategy.

Tendo built and executed a strategy to:

  • Redesign the website to reflect a contemporary look and feel
  • Develop a new visual design language and implement reusable and scalable content modules
  • Ensure adaptability for Alterna’s development team

The Results

The collaboration delivered a modernized Alterna Savings website with enhanced visual aesthetics and a user-centric design. The scalable content modules empowered their development team to provide seamless updates, marking a significant stride in redefining credit union websites and fostering a more engaging digital presence for Alterna Savings. 

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Boosting Lead Generation and Digital Experience for VTS

Tendo revitalized VTS’s digital presence by diagnosing lead generation challenges, devising a multi-phase strategy, and redesigning their website.

Boosting Lead Generation and Digital Experience for VTS

Tendo revitalized VTS’s digital presence by diagnosing lead generation challenges, devising a multi-phase strategy, and redesigning their website.

  • Low conversion rates
  • Marketing and storytelling complexities
  • Confusion with representing multiple product solutions
  • Double-digit increase in conversion
  • Enhanced website presence and clarity
  • Improved brand perception and user experience
  • Digital strategy enhancement
  • User experience redesign
  • Branding development

About VTS

VTS is a commercial real estate technology company that unifies owners, operators, brokers, and tenants in a single leasing and asset management platform.

VTS’ platform is the #1 SaaS solution for commercial real estate. VTS helps hundreds of customers change the way their companies operate through a combination of software, technology, insights, and advisory services.

Staten Island, NY
Real Estate
300 employees

The Challenge

VTS was struggling with low lead generation, complex marketing strategies, and a website structure that inadequately showed its diverse brand solutions.

These issues demanded a thoughtful examination to surface specific pain points hindering growth. The main objectives were to revamp the digital strategy, refine brand guidelines, and effectively communicate the company’s offerings.

The Solution

Tendo broke down the solution approach into three key phases of redesign:

The first step was to conduct a “Diagnosis and Treatment Plan” to identify key contributing factors (and solutions) to the lagging lead generation.

Tendo then defined a multi-phase digital strategy for VTS to enhance its website presence, including the creation of a new set of brand guidelines.

This strategy flowed into the last phase, in which the Tendo team redesigned the entire user experience and structure for the website.

The Results

Post-redesign, VTS saw a substantial double-digital increase in conversion rates. The updated site clarified its offerings and bolstered its online presence. The enhanced user experience solidified VTS as a top commercial real estate platform.

The site garnered acclaim at the 2021 W3 Awards:

  • 2021 W3 Awards Silver—Real Estate Websites
  • 2021 W3 Awards Silver—Best User Experience for Websites

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Predictive Tool Development for Ecolab

Tendo partnered with Ecolab to develop an innovative Pest Risk Score Tool, leveraging diverse data for accurate pest risk predictions to help Ecolab customers streamline operations.

Predictive Tool Development for Ecolab

Tendo partnered with Ecolab to create an interactive tool that predicts a 30-day pest infestation risk.

  • Data integration
  • Predictive accuracy
  • User accessibility
  • Enhanced risk assessment
  • Improved customer experience
  • Streamlined pest management
  • User experience design
  • Visual branding
  • Development

About Ecolab

Ecolab is a global sustainability leader offering water, hygiene and infection prevention solutions and services that protect people and the resources vital to life.

Customers in more than 40 industries choose Ecolab’s comprehensive science-based solutions, data-driven insights and world-class service to advance food safety, maintain clean and safe environments, and optimize water and energy use.

St. Paul, MN
Environmental Services
47,000 employees

The Challenge

Ecolab wanted to further its quest to revolutionize pest management.

It saw an opportunity to create an interactive, predictive tool to help businesses and locations determine their 30-day pest risk. The tool, made in partnership with the University of Minnesota, would employ an algorithm developed by Ecolab that used proprietary and nonproprietary data, including weather patterns, demographics, and geographic data.

The Solution

Teaming up with Tendo, Ecolab created this interactive tool that paired advanced algorithms seamlessly with a user-friendly interface.

Doing so allowed for unity between scientific accuracy and user-centric design. Robust development and intuitive design were essential for successfully integrating complex data.

The Results

The collaborative effort led to the creation of Ecolab’s Pest Risk Score Tool, offering enhanced risk assessment capabilities. Users gained valuable insights, empowering informed decision-making in pest management strategies. The tool helps Ecolab customers streamline operations and create safer environments across diverse sectors. View the Pest Risk Tool

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Shortening the B2B Prospect Journey for Cologix

Tendo’s website redesign for Cologix empowered their team for autonomous content management and efficient campaign execution.

Shortening the B2B Prospect Journey for Cologix

Tendo redesigned Cologix’s website to improve lead conversion via clearer navigation, improved storytelling, and easier-to-use site elements.

  • Resolve confusing navigation
  • Reduce site management complexity
  • Improve lead conversion rate
  • Enhanced navigation clarity
  • Simplified site management
  • Improved conversion pathways
  • Digital strategy
  • User experience and visual design
  • Technical development

About Cologix

Cologix is North America’s premier network-neutral interconnection and hyperscale edge data center firm.

With an extensive carrier-dense ecosystem comprising over 700 networks, 360 cloud service providers, and 30 onramps, Cologix offers colocation and connectivity solutions. Its robust platform spans 40 digital edge and Scalelogix hyperscale edge data centers, serving more than 1,950 customers across 11 North American markets.

Denver, CO
Data and Technology
300 employees

The Challenge

Cologix needed to improve B2B lead generation and conversion on its website.

Tendo identified three major impediments to this goal: subpar website navigation that caused confusion and unnecessarily lengthened the buyer journey; the need for better storytelling to engage visitors; and difficult-to-manage site elements that made it harder to perform site updates and launch campaigns.

The Solution

The Tendo team undertook a comprehensive redesign of Cologix’s website.

We enhanced navigation to create clearer pathways to conversion, and updated Cologix’s web copy to improve storytelling. We also simplified backend operations with a WordPress instance rebuild. This overhaul enabled the Cologix team to swiftly manage content updates and execute campaigns without relying on developer assistance.

The Results

The redesign improved conversions and simplified site management. The WordPress overhaul enabled swift content updates and autonomous campaign handling, reducing reliance on developers and enhancing site agility.

The site garnered acclaim at the 2022 W3 Awards:

  • 2022 W3 Awards Silver – Web Applications/Services Websites
  • 2022 W3 Awards Silver – Best Structure and Navigation for Websites

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HPE Business Insights Content

Tendo helped HPE build a multichannel thought leadership program that achieved 280k global opt-in registrations and 140k monthly engagements.

The challenge: HPE needed to build mindshare as a strategic solution provider and demonstrate thought leadership in digital transformation. It needed to engage global enterprise IT leaders and drive registrations for ongoing marketing efforts.

The solution: Tendo created a global thought leadership destination and distribution presence that encompassed:

  • A microsite, blog, video channel, LinkedIn and Twitter channels, and an email newsletter
  • 4 regions, 5 personas, 6 languages, and 7 areas of focus.
  • Editorial strategy, content planning, and content creation

Refining the Autodesk Knowledge Network

Tendo optimized the digital experience on the Autodesk Knowledge Network.

The challenge: Autodesk needed to improve content quality and findability on its Knowledge Network.

The solution: Tendo reviewed and optimized the Autodesk Knowledge Network “Getting Started” experience​​​. It performed the following steps to significantly improve the digital experience:

  • Content audit​
  • Competitive analysis​
  • Task flow mapping
  • Content architecture recommendations
  • Information architecture/navigation​ updates

Award-Winning Experience Redesign for Dealpath

Tendo’s strategic redesign and technical overhaul revitalized Dealpath’s online presence, reflecting its maturity and expanding offerings.

Award-Winning Experience Redesign for Dealpath

Tendo designed an award-winning website for Dealpath, the leading cloud-based deal management platform for real estate investment.

  • Design did not reflect company maturity
  • Website did not showcase depth of offerings
  • Transition to marketing automation
  • Enhanced website maturity
  • Accelerated marketing transition
  • Improved user experience
  • Digital strategy
  • User-centric redesign
  • Technical development and replatforming

About Dealpath

Dealpath is a leading cloud-based deal management platform that empowers top-tier firms in real estate investment.

Guided by a team of seasoned technologists and industry veterans, Dealpath aims to revolutionize the industry with enhanced efficiency, transparency, and innovation.

San Francisco, CA and New York, NY
Real Estate
60+ employees

The Challenge

Dealpath needed an updated site to meet business growth.

Dealpath’s website met its needs for the first few years’ growth, but it did not accurately reflect the company’s growth and depth of offerings. Dealpath sought a partner to help convey a more mature and authoritative position as the company looked forward. This transition from its early growth phase demanded a significant shift in design and messaging.

The Solution

The Tendo team led an experience redesign and technical replatforming of

Using WordPress and leveraging libraries to help accelerate design and development, Tendo delivered the site from start to finish in just six weeks. Following the launch, we created additional elements/page types on the site and helped transition Dealpath’s marketing automation from Pardot to Marketo.

The Results

The updated site reflects Dealpath’s growth, refining its image and user experience while streamlining operations for future growth.

The site garnered acclaim at the 2021 W3 Awards:

  • 2021 W3 Awards Silver – Best Home Page for Websites
  • 2021 W3 Awards Silver – Website Redesign
  • 2021 W3 Awards Silver – Best Visual Appeal for Websites

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HPE Helion Customer Content

Tendo enhanced HPE’s customer reference program with more engaging content, including more than 250 content assets and 20-plus content templates.

The challenge: HPE’s customer reference program wasn’t producing enough customer-based content. Existing reference content formats were limited and lacked HPE Helion branding.

The solution: Tendo established a cost-effective support model for program management and asset creation, including:

  • Weekly content, including case studies, blogs, slide decks, and infographics, produced for the customer reference content hub
  • Interviews with HPE account teams and customers
  • New and redesigned content types and template
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