Content Performance Services

Adopt our innovative, comprehensive approach to content performance. Identify your weaknesses, amplify strengths—and surpass your competitors.

Go from Content Insights to Content ROI

Put your content on a path of continuous improvement. Measure what matters with our proprietary tools and processes. Go beyond quantitative metrics to assess content quality, audience focus, journey stage, and alignment with marketing goals. Discover gaps and opportunities. Together, we’ll leverage powerful insights to energize your content strategy and achieve outstanding results.
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Content Performance Services

Content Audit & Scorecard

We’ve built a better content audit. Tendo’s proprietary content scorecard gives you a comprehensive view of your content’s strengths and weaknesses, both quantitative and qualitative.
Content audit and scorecard illustration
Content gap analysis illustration

Content Gap Analysis

Does your content overlook key audiences or journey stages? Rely too heavily on a single content type? We’ll help you pinpoint problems and uncover opportunities to increase engagement and conversion.

Content Measurement Framework

Construct a framework that tracks all the content KPIs that matter, and none that don’t. We’ll tailor content measurement to your marketing goals and audience needs—and empower ongoing optimization.
Content measurement framework illustration
SEO services illustration

SEO Services

Follow our B2B-specific and audience-focused approach to SEO. Assess your on-page SEO performance to establish a baseline, identify issues, and create a prioritized roadmap of recommendations.

Content Experience Reviews

Are key web pages underperforming with your users? Tendo can conduct a detailed content analysis to identify gaps and prioritize and improve page sections for better storytelling and user engagement.

Content Performance Resources

Explore our latest thought leadership and content resources: DIVE IN

Case Study Spotlight

Learn more about our satisfied customers: VIEW SUCCESS STORIES

Additional Tendo Services

Explore our full range of services, which can help you deliver exceptional digital experiences.

Content Strategy & Planning Services

Reach your goals with our strategic services, from content roadmaps to persona development.

Content Creation Services

Expand your creative possibilities with exceptional content that generates results.

Content Marketing Services

Generate brand awareness, pipeline, and revenue with our strategy-led content marketing campaigns and programs.

User Experience Services

Explore our UX and content design services that keep your content focused on user needs.

Content Strategy & Planning Services

Reach your goals with our strategic services, from content roadmaps to persona development.

Content Creation Services

Expand your creative possibilities with exceptional content that generates results.

Content Marketing Services

Generate brand awareness, pipeline, and revenue with our strategy-led content marketing campaigns and programs.

User Experience Services

Explore our UX and content design services that keep your content focused on user needs.

Content Operations Services

Evolve your operations through effective governance, and get more from your marketing techology.

Content Operations Services

Evolve your operations through effective governance, and get more from your marketing techology.

Let’s Discuss Your Measurement Needs

Schedule an initial consultation to share your measurement challenges and goals, and we’ll propose solutions and next steps.