Content Creation Services


Why You Need to Rethink the Talking-Head Video: 4 Tips to Improve Engagement

When you or someone on your team suggests a marketing video, is “talking head” the format that comes to mind? If you’re nodding “yes,” that makes sense. The talking-head video is one of the most common Web formats, plus, it’s what marketers are most familiar with. But by and large, they’re not as effective as they could be. The talking head needs a refresh and I have some ideas for how to do it.

To be clear, there is nothing inherently wrong with a video of a person speaking on camera. I’m a huge proponent of telling stories through video. Surely there are dozens of articulate speakers within your organization that have interesting stories and insights to share, but there’s a better way to get your message across.


Infographic Do’s and Don’ts

B2B buyers like infographics. According to Eccolo Media, 49 percent of B2B technology buyers ranked infographics as “very or extremely” influential in the technology purchase process.


How Long Should a Web Video Be? It Depends

If you’ve ever made a video for the web, you’ll know that determining an exact length can be tricky. In fact, it’s often a subject of debate. Many people will point to web audiences’ shrinking attention spans and say it should never exceed two minutes. While others will argue that for some topics, two minutes barely allows you to scratch the surface. The reality is, neither camp is wrong.